This year we launched a brand new elective course for the seniors entitled, Music in Judaism. This course covered the role of Music in world cultures in general and within Judaism in particular. We studied primary sources from the Tanach and Rabbinic Literature which discussed the nature of shira, and we covered the halachik and hashkafik applications of the role of music in our contemporary world. Additionally, we had the opportunity to a survey a variety of different Jewish musical cultures, including, but not limited to: Sephardic Pizmonim, chazzanut, Chassidism, and R’ Shlomo Carlebach. We concluded the course with a final project where the students were required to compose their own music using websites and programs such as:, garage band, and mixcraft. I am sharing a few examples of the students' work for everyone to enjoy. Overall, this class has been a tremendous learning experience for all of us, as well as a lot of fun. We look forward to expanding the music program as part of our overall commitment to the Arts here at Frisch.

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Rabbi Gedaliah Jaffe
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