Dear Parents, Alumni and Friends,

…to ensure that we meet our Annual Dinner campaign goal.
The Frisch School Dinner, honoring Tammy and Ken Secemski, Tammy Schaum and Rabbi Yaakov Blau is only three weeks away and only 6 days after our winter break ends. While the school staff will be in the office during vacation ensuring that all details of the dinner are taken care of, if you have not already done so, please submit your donation and dinner reservations before the break.
As indicated on the list below, many of you have already demonstrated your generous support of our school and we are very grateful.
The dinner is our school’s largest annual fundraiser and if you have not already sent in your contribution, we urge you to become part of this essential effort and help us reach our goal. Your donation, at any level, can and will make a difference for our children.
The dinner is our school’s largest annual fundraiser and if you have not already sent in your contribution, we urge you to become part of this essential effort and help us reach our goal. Your donation, at any level, can and will make a difference for our children.
In addition to the regular mail, you may visit to submit your ad online, fax your ad to 201-261-9342, e-mail or call with your pledge and reservations to 201-267-9100 ext. 205.
Please recall as well, that if you plan on attending the dinner you must either return the envelope received with your invitation or submit the RSVP form online at
If you have already donated and responded, we are grateful for your continued support and look forward to greeting you at the dinner on February 4th.
The Committee
Kol HaKavod
Jill and David ’77 Blumenthal
Monique and Mordecai Katz
Tammy and Ken Secemski
Susan and Michael Edwards
Master Bond
Chai Benefactor
Drazie and Ben Ashkenazy
Alissa and Sam Zagha
Diamond Benefactor
Sheryl and Ernest Elias
Hillel Goldstein
Platinum Benefactor
Hannah-Jean and Bruce Brafman
Mort and Esther Fridman
Anne and Jerry Gontownik
Carol and Rodney Grundman
Jeanette and Martin Heistein
Miriam and Dan Michael
Anita and Jerome Milch
Debbie ‘80 and Sam Moed
Sharon and David Rauch
Florence and Robert Rothman
Gold Benefactor
Deborah and Ira Palgon
Felicia ’88 and Moshe Zwebner
Silver Benefactor
Judi and Arthur Goldberg
Irene and Roby Gottesman
Barbara and Simcha Hochman
Robin and Mark Hoenig
Janet and Kenny Hoffman
Julie and Richard Lobel
Tammy and Kenny Schaum
Ronnie and Marc Schlussel
Sharon and Jonathan Sherman
Sheryl and Stanley Turitz
Alan Wasserman
Beth ’79 and Sam ’79 Bernstein
Amy and Myron Eagle
Rebecca ’94 and Gil Feldman
Alisa ‘89 and Jonathan ’89 Gellis
Ilana and Stuart Goldberg
Ruth and Ed Lubat
Aviva and Paul Rolnick ‘87
Michele and Joseph Safra
Rena Donin and David Schlussel
Mindy and Eli Davidoff
Marvin Eiseman
Susan and Kenny Greif
Janet and Lior Hod
Shira and Seth Levine
Meryl and Joseph Mark
Sara ‘80 and Richie Schlussel
Elana and Jonathan Silber
Cindy and Abe Steinberger
Chai Sponsor
Shari and Robert Alter
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Anhalt
Felicia and David Bieber
Sara and Rabbi Yaakov Blau
Joshua ’96
and Aryeh ’04 Buchsbayew
and Aryeh ’04 Buchsbayew
Esther and Ben Chouake
Caron and Steve Gelles
Elissa '90 and Michael '87 Katz
Alisa and Jeffrey Kigner
Tanya and Gary Krim
Ruth Borgen and Simmy Lauer
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Lemmer
Sheryl and Aaron Liberman
Batya and Nachman Paul
Dena and Sheldon Pickholz
Chavie and Ira Roth
Denise and Marc Setton
Andrea and Ronald Sultan
Sunday Morning Alumni Basketball
Susan and David Tessel
Amy and David Turner
Patty and Sam Borodach
Faye and Doron Cohen
Lisa and Steven Gronowitz
Aviva Appleman and Yitzhak Jacobowitz
Karen and Bruce Lerman
Janice and Saul Levine
Quality Frozen Foods
Riki and Robert Rimberg
Ruth and Phillip Roth
and Douglas Soclof
and Douglas Soclof
Norman Sohn
3nom Solutions- Abe Sasson ‘98
Alle Processing
Astoria Realty – The DiBella Family
Dial Global
Michele ’82 and Jody ’82 Bardash
Renee and Howie Blumenfeld
Judy and Martin Braun
Cindy and
Aaron Dobrinsky
Aaron Dobrinsky
Gail and Richard Dukas
Talia and Michael Farbowitz
Eve and Heshy Feldman
John J Flemm Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Goldschmidt
Deena ’80 and Daniel Jarashow
Laurie and Jerry Kasdan
Claire and Ben Kershenbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Levie
Ellen and Michael Muss
Deena and Gilad Ottensoser
Suzanne and David Prince
Penny and David Rabinowitz
Noah, Zachary ’09 and Zoë ’13 Rothblatt
Monica and Samuel Shapiro
Sherman and Gordon P.C.
Randi and Michael Silvermintz
Sheva and Edward Solomon
Tammy ‘82 and Howard Spielman
Janet and Mattis Stavsky and Family
Elke and Kalman Stein
Robin and Justin Straus
Want and Ender
Louise and Harvey Wolinetz
Raquel and David Zeitz
Bergenfield Women’s Health
Nancy and Eric Fremed
Jay Friedman and Tenafly Psychiatric Associates
Ner Mitzvah
NJ Center for Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
NK Originals
Primary Key Solutions
REM Holdings
RSN Specialties
Judith Heistein Sabba ’02 and Daniel Sabba
Leah Krakinowski and Andy Silberstein
Sanders and Stein Carpet Company
Penina and Thomas Weinberger
Elaine and Mark Weitzman
ZBS Realty
Design N Stitch
Diamond Insurance
Susie and Kalman Fishbein
Beverly and Andrew Geller
Debbie and Michael Gottlieb
Green & Ackerman
Linda and Mark Gruenbaum
Dr. and Mrs. Marc Herman
Lark Street Music
Lincs II
Medical Multispecialty Assoc
Mildan Partners
Sherry and Larry Milstein
Mobile Diagnostic Solutions, LLC
Moonlight Pediatrics
Samad Brothers, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Selter
The Homeward Bound Dentist
Tuv Taam
Teaneck Dentist
David and Haya Tepper
Tikvah and Aryeh Wiener
A & B Gefilte Fish
Mira Abramsohn ‘01
Accurate Alarm
Allison and Elliot Adler
Sheryl and Rabbi Yosef Adler
Agri Star
Alan Party Rental
Amy and David Albalah
Lee and Neal Alexander
ANS Construction
Sara and Edson Atwood
Rhonda and Jeff Avner
BT Electric
Bagel City
Jessica Bartel ‘02
Beigel's Baking
Nettie and Nathan Berenholz
Miriam and Rabbi Elie Berman
Mr. and Mrs. Tzvi Berman
Rabbi & Mrs. Moshe Bernstein
B. Katzman Berry
Drs. Marc and Abrah Bessler
Yvonne Schrenzel Beyer & Howard L. Beyer
Mr. & Mrs. Leon Blankrot
Andrea Blau
Rabbi Binyamin and Mrs. Faith Blau
Rabbi Yosef and Dr. Rivkah Blau
Blue & White Foods
Ilse Blumenthal
Bogota Savings Bank
Lisa and
Asher Brukner
Asher Brukner
Burke Supply (Imperial Bag & Paper Co)
Butterflake Bakery
C & H Cutlery
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Carter
Debbie & Chaim Chaimowitz
Marvin Cohen
Compu-Phone, Inc.
Peggy & Art Cottrell
Cross River Bank
Czin Opticians
B. Dinelli fir Hair
Dovid’s Fish
David Elliot
English Department
Executive Estates Maintenance and Management
Express Recycling
Eileen Eyerman
Bina & Yossi Faber
Barbara and Ziv Farajun
Cindy ‘88 and David Feigenblum
Reneé and Avromy Fein
Leora and Martin Feinberg
Deborah and Jeffrey Fine
Valerie Fischman ‘07
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Flamholz
Rabbi Neil Fleischmann
Dr. Deborah Fliegelman
Rebecca and Rabbi Gerald Friedlander
Friedwald Center for Rehab and Nursing
Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Fuchs
Galil Importing
Seth Gerzberg
Susanna and Victor Glass
Shayna and Judah Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Goldberg
Hannah and Bruce Goldman
Harris and Elli Goldstein and family
Lawrence B. Goodman & Co.
Joshua Gotlieb
Elaine Gottesman ‘09
Lesley and Judah Greenblatt
Allyson Gronowitz ‘09
Yitzchak Halberstam
Ahuva Warburg Halpern ‘05
Sharon and Matthew Herenstein
Mrs. Rimone ’05 and Josh Hersch
Hudson City Savings Bank
Kenover Marketing
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Klein
Klein’s Ice Cream
Rabbi Ari and Debby Jacobson
Shari Jawetz ’98
Jewish Media Group
Toby and Abe Kalker
Phyllis and Michael Kann
Betty Kaplan
Rena and Marshall Katz
Katzman Produce
Mr. and Mrs. David Kershner
Goldie and Marvin Kigler, Joshua'07, Gabriella '08, Aaron '11
Rhonda and Jay Klapper
Dr. Robert ' 82 and Naomi Klinger and Family
Leah and Rabbi Jonathan Knapp
Serena and Paul Koppel
Kosher Salads
Mr. and Mrs. Jamin Koslowe
Susan Fader & Larry Krule
Melanie Kwestel
Edye Lang ‘09
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lang
Ronit and Richard Langer
Lantev Distributing Corporation
Michael Latzer
The Laundress
Alan Leben
Cheryl and Yussie Leiser
Sara and Kenneth Levine ‘83
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Levy
Nessa Heilpern Liben ‘01
Sandee Brawarsky and Barry Lichtenberg
Zvi Marans MD, Howard Apfel MD, David Solowiejczyk MD, Diane Rhee MD
Mr. Anthony Mastandrea
Dr. David Mayerhoff
Stacy and Elliot Maza
Laura J. Miller, Director of College Guidance
Morty and Barbara Minchenberg
Russell Moskowitz
Rabbi Shimon Murciano
Murphy Carpet Cleaning
Nassau Provision
Natural & Tasty LLC
Sharon and Daniel Nussbaum
Debbie Pine and Mark Orenshein
Oxygen Imports LLC
Kathi and Jeffrey Packard
Julie and David Papier
Paterson Papers
Mr. & Mrs. Drew Parker
Parkview Pharmacy
PediatriCare Associates
Esther & Harold Perl
Gail and Steven Plotnick
Mr. and Mrs. Andrei Rebarber
Tobe and Mitch Rebhun
Andrea and Benjamin Reichel
Zahava and Hank Reinhart
Reisman’s Bakery
Shelley Rindner
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Rochlin
Roses By Mark
Tzipora and Rabbi Aron Ross
Naomi and Yechiel Rotblat
Dr. M Houpt & Dr. E. Rubin
Sarah Rubin ‘03
Elana & Malcolm Samad
Sheryl and Bruce Schainker
Maren Scharf
Shira and Kenny Schiowitz
Brenda and Simon Schlanger
Lipa Schnitzler
Vicki and Steve Schreiber
Jeany and Scott Schrier
Charlene and Myron Schulman
Simi Schwartz ‘04
Joseph & Ruth Schwarz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Seelenfreund
Sefer Israel
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Seidman
Shifra and Larry Shafier
Shaimot Le Geniza
Mrs. Irina Shapiro
Deanne and Leonard Shapiro
Shop Rite
Mr. & Mrs. David Siegelman
Mr. Joel Silverman
Miriam & Tuvia Silverstein
Moshe and Atara Silverstein and Family
Simcha Candle Corp
Zena Sky
Dana Small ’01
Rabbi Mark ’87 and Michelle Smilowitz
Judy and Herb Speiser
Debbie and Joel Spier
Springfield Group
Ms. Jenna Statfeld ‘02
Ruthie and Eliezer Stavsky
Debbie and Siggy Stein
Esther and Jeffrey Stock
Strauss Bakery
Bashi and Howard Tepper
Rebecca Tenzer ‘01
Upstate Produce
Roberta ‘84 and Leon Waldman
Phyllis Waterstone
Kathy and Lester Weiden
Moshe Weiss, MD PC
Ilana and Moshe Wertenteil
West Side Foods
Deborah Wilen-Cohen ‘80
Lisa and Mark Wise
Yo-Boys Teaneck Inc
Young Israel of Monsey & Wesley Hills
Zadie’s Bake Shop
Rabbi and Mrs. Michael Zauderer
Shaindy and Harold Zudick
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